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- Shchepochkin A. M., Shchepochkina Ju. А. Possibilities for reducing dust emissions at textile enterprises. Technologies & Quality. 2024. No 4(66). P. 28–36. (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 677.027.625.133.2
- Publish date: 2024-10-30
- Annotation: The article is devoted to a review of scientific developments concerning only part of the major problem of reducing dust emissions during the processing of fibrous materials. Despite the intensive development of the textile industry in recent years, the problem of dust emission at individual enterprises remains and even worsens, especially with an increase in the productivity of technological equipment and the processing of low-grade raw materials. Cleaning of natural textile fibre from weed impurities is one of the main tasks of the process of preparing it for spinning. The characteristic of textile dusts is given. The forms of dust fixation characteristic of all types of natural fibers are considered. It should be borne in mind that 40…60 % of the entire microdust (dust particles with sises 1…10 microns) are relatively easy to remove, 20…30 % of the microdustare slightly attached to the fibres. The remaining 20…30 % of the particles are tightly attached to the fibres and can only be separated by intense exposure. It is noted that dust with dimensions of 1…10 microns is the most harmful. Up to 95 % of flaxseed dust particles are 1…5 microns in size. The content of mineral impurities, including silicon dioxide, in linseed dust is 9…11 % of its mass. Flax processing machines are worse at cleaning fibre from litter than cotton processing machines. Fibrededusting, as a process, is multi-stage in nature, requiring the processing of a mass of fibres at various technological transitions, mainly at the stages of loosening and cleaning. It is advisable to determine the dust content in the fibre at all technological transitions. To reduce dust emissions and simultaneously increase the purity of the fibre, it is advisable to actively influence it by removing most of the dust during the preparation of raw materials for spinning.
- Keywords: textile enterprise, fibre, litter, dust, cleaning, dust extraction methods, technological transition
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