Pavel N. Rudovsky
Kostroma State University
Svetlana G. Smirnova
Kostroma State University
Rudovsky P. N., Smirnova S. G. Experimental verification of the possibility of preparing a li- nen roving for spinning in an electrochemically activated aqueous solution. Technologies & Quality. 2023. No 1(59). P. 28–32. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2023-1-59-28-32.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2023-1-59-28-32
УДК: 677.11.620
Publish date: 2023-02-18
Annotation: The article considers the possibility of creating a combined process of forming a non-twisted wet rov- ing and preparing it for spinning in order to obtain linen yarn. In the process of preparing the roving for spin- ning, an electrochemically activated aqueous solution (catholyte) with a redox potential of En = + 900 mV and a pH of pH = 10 was used. The corresponding technological regimes of the combined process of roving for- mation are determined. In the course of the experiment, the influence of the method of obtaining the roving (twisted and traditional twisted) on the quality indicators of the yarn was also tested. The paper presents the physical and mechanical properties of yarn obtained from twisted and twisted roving. It is shown that the use of an EChR solution when forming a twistless roving by the wet method and wetting it with this solution in the trough of a spinning machine makes it possible to obtain linen yarn of medium linear density with im- proved physical and mechanical properties compared to that produced from a roving obtained by traditional technology. It has been established that the twistless roving produced by the proposed technology has a sig- nificantly lower hairiness than the traditional twisted one.
Keywords: linen roving, linen yarn, twistless roving, preparation for spinning, catholyte, combined process of roving preparation and spinning
Literature list: 1. Petrov V. L., Aleksov N. V. Method of preparation of bast fiber material. Pat. RF № 2139374 D01С1/02, 10.10.1999. 2. Smirnova S. G., Sorkin A. P., Petrov V. L., Gavrilova A. B. Analysis of influence of electrochemical ac- tivated water solution on the non-twisted roving strength. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti [Textile Industry Technology (Series Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions)]. 2008;4S(310):56–58. (In Russ.) 3. Smirnova S. G., Sorkin A. P., Rudovskij P. N., Gavrilova A. B., Petrov V. L. Experimental verification of the effect of the treatment of tattered flax with catolite on the qualitative parameters of the process. Vest- nik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Kostroma State Tech- nological University]. 2008;17:18–21. (In Russ.) 4. Rudovskij P. N., Sobashko Yu. A., Smirnova S. G. Effects of relaxation properties eca solutions choice of linen processing mode while preparing its roving for spinning. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti [Textile Industry Technology (Series Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions)]. 2016;6(366):95–100. (In Russ.) 5. Smirnova S. G., Rudovskij P. N., Sorkin A. P. Bleaching and preparation for spinning the roving in echo solutions. Innovacionnye tekhnologii razvitiya tekstil'noj i lyogkoj promyshlennosti [Innovative technolo- gies for the development of textile and light industry]. Moscow, Ekon-Inform Publ., 2014, pp. 36–37. (In Russ.) 6. Rudovskij P. N., Sorkin A. P., Smirnova S. G. Preparation of rovings to spinning in the reactor for elec- trochemical activation of water. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti [Textile Industry Technology (Series Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions)]. 2013;3(345):51–55. (In Russ.) 7. Rudovskij P. N., Sorkin A. P., Smirnova S. G. The influence of the conditions of formation of a wet spin- less roving on its structure and strength. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti [Textile Industry Technology (Series Proceedings of Higher Educational In- stitutions)]. 2011;3(332):34–38. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Pavel N. Rudovsky, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, pavel_rudovsky@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8675-2910
Co-author's info: Svetlana G. Smirnova, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, SW_Smirnova@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0029-497X