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- Sevostyanov P. A., Samoilova T. A., Monakhov V. I., Belevitin A. A., Burdin I. M. Energy aspects of relaxation and aging of nonwoven fibrous materials. Technologies & Quality. 2022. No 4(58). P. 19–24. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2022-4-58-19-24.
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2022-4-58-19-24
- УДК: 677.024:519.876.5
- Publish date: 2022-11-23
- Annotation: The article proposes a model of the structure of a nonwoven fibrous material as a complex proba-bilistic design of fiber elements and areas of interaction between fibers and a mechanism for the interaction of elastic properties of fibers with friction between them, taking into account the structure of the material. The proposed mechanism for the behavior of fibers in a material under external influences made it possible to qualitatively explain the complex behavior of a material: reversible elastic deformations, plastic deformations, aging, and the gradual loss of operational advantages of non-woven fibrous fabrics. Generalized energy ideas about the accumulation and consumption of the residual energy of fiber deformation are used.
- Keywords: nonwoven fibrous material, elastic deformation, elastic deformation, plastic deformation, residual internal energy of mechanical deformation, energy dissipation at irreversible deformations, dynamic model
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