pashin-el-orlov-ov-kudryashova-ta-tik-2022-1.pdf |
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- Pashin E. L., Orlov A. V., Kudryashova T. A. Substantiation of unified method of flax colour classification in regard to standardisation of retched flax straw and scutched flax fibre. Technologies & Quality. 2022. No 1(55). P. 12–18 (In Russ.) https: doi 10.34216/2587-6147-2022-1-55-12-18.
- DOI: 10.34216/2587-6147-2022-1-55-12-18
- УДК: 677.021; 535.6.08
- Publish date: 2022-02-22
- Annotation: Article considers the current situation regarding standardization and qualimetry of bast cultures and related materials – in particular, the color properties. Existing contradictions are analysed, along with the likely causes of those. Article suggests unification of classification methods for color properties of flax straw and flax fibre in order to resolve the conflict of interests between raw material producers and manufactures. Authors suggest and substantiate a method of classification based on cluster analysis of distribution of colour components using RGB and HSV colour systems. It is recommended to classify flax straw and flax fibre into three or four colour categories, which are mapped to existing color categories for respective materials.
- Keywords: colour, flax, retched straw, fibre, colour group, sample, qualimetry
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