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- Rodicheva M. V., Abramov A. V., Gneusheva E. M. Development of ventilated clothing design principles for protection against biological hazards. Technologies & Quality. 2021. No 3(53). P. 30–36. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2021-3-53-30-36.
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2021-3-53-30-36
- УДК: 687.
- Publish date: 2021-08-18
- Annotation: A set of ventilated clothing to protect against tick-borne infections has been proposed. In addition to the protective function, such a kit allows you to normalising the thermal state of a person at elevated temperatures or physical activity by increasing the intensity of heat and moisture removal from the human body. A numerical model of heat transfer in ventilated air layers was developed. With its help, studies of heat and mass transfer were carried out under conditions of maximum activity of blood-sucking insects in the ambient temperature range of 15–25 °C. The balance of the human body was assessed for the level of physical activity typical for representatives of social groups with the highest risk of contracting tick-borne infections. It has been established that an air gap with a thickness of hag = 20 mm in ventilated clothing will provide a standard thermal state of a person and effective protection against infection with tick-borne infections.
- Keywords: ventilated clothing, package of materials with air spaces, heat & mass transfer, convection, radiation, temperature field in package of materials, design
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