Bodryakova-NP-tik-2021-3-ru.pdf |
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- Bodryakova N. P. The influence of the storage conditions of raw materials on the preservation of the properties of the fur semi-finished product. Technologies & Quality. 2021. No 3(53). P. 52–58. (In Russ.)
- DOI:
- УДК: 675.019.381
- Publish date: 2021-08-18
- Annotation: This article deals with the problem of preserving the properties of a semi-finished fur product under the influence of a biological factor during the storage of raw materials. The characteristic features of the biodegradation of untreated rabbit skins during storage at elevated temperature and relative humidity are identified and described. A complex characteristic of a semi-finished fur product developed from raw materials of various degrees of microbiological spoilage is given. The author offers a point scale of assessment dynamics of the processes of destruction of fur raw materials and a point assessment of the organoleptic indicators of the semi-finished product was developed. As a result of comprehensive studies, it was found that the degree of damage to the fur raw materials being processed affects the decrease in the stability of the structure and strength properties of the finished semi-finished product.
- Keywords: rabbit skins, violation of storage conditions, microbiological damage, organoleptic indicators, point scale, strength properties
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