petrovsky-vs-arkhipov-di-tik-2021-2.pdf |
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- Petrovsky V. S., Arkhipov D. I. Modeling the operation of rotary pumps. Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2021;2(52):81–83. (In Russ.) 10.34216/2587-6147-2021-2-52-81-83.
- DOI:
- УДК: 621.65.07
- Publish date: 2021-05-27
- Annotation: The article considers the operation of a three-bladed rotary pump, the blade profile of which consists of several conjugate circles. It is shown that the size of the gap between the rotors is an important pa-rameter that affects the quality of pumps. When designing using CAD systems, it is possible to identify gross errors, for example, the intersection of surfaces, to determine the amount of gap between the rotors at a fixed position of the mechanism. However, it is not possible to determine the size of the gap in the dynamics of the given software, it is necessary to develop a digital model of the mechanism. The model of interaction of two rotors considered in the article, implemented in the Mathcad program, allows determining the size and nature of the gap change during the operation of the mechanism.
- Keywords: rotary pumps, modeling of mechanisms, curved profile construction, gaps in mechanism, reversed motion method, rotor blade, designing
- Literature list: 1. Borovin G. K., Kostyuk A. V. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie mul'tifaznogo dvuhvintovogo nasosa // Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha. 2008. № 18. 20 s. URL: asp?id=2008-18 (data obrashcheniya: 14.12.2020).