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- : Rudovskiy P. N., Smirnova S. G. Formation of packings with the help of winding machine with periodical speed bump of the winding-up roller // Tekhnologii i kachestvo = Technologies & Quality. 2020;3(49): 12–15. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-3-49-12-15.
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2587-6147-2020-3-49-12-15
- УДК: 677.023
- Publish date: 2020-12-23
- Annotation: For the formation of a high-quality package of cross winding on machines equipped with winding mechanisms with a frictional drive of the package, it is necessary to include special devices in their composition that provide a change in the speed of the yarn feeder or bobbin according to a periodic law with a cycle duration of at least six periods of the yarn feeder movement. Changing the speed of the bobbin can be provided by slipping it by a controlled amount. The amount of slip is determined by the appropriate selection of the winding shaft acceleration (deceleration) and the pressing force of the bobbin against the winding shaft. A mathematical model has been obtained that describes the change in the difference between the displacements of points on the surface of the bobbin and the winding shaft when the winding shaft is accelerated. It is shown that in this way it is possible to effectively eliminate defects in the winding structure in the form of bundles and ribbons.
- Keywords: winding, winding structure, structure defects, rope winding, scattering of rope winding, periodic change in clamping force, winding machine
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